forecast: friday november 1
for idealists, for reserved ones. new moon, and new energy soon.

for a long time now I’ve noticed that it’s been harder than usual to say a 100% yes to anything. one way I’ve been able to keep momentum going is by saying yes, with a caveat. not everything has to be accepted completely.
this “hard-to-say-yes” season seems to have been going on since at least the end of september for sure. i say this because this is around the time that four of the seven visible planets and luminaries (luminaries being the sun and moon) have been in their antithesis signs, signs where their pure expression and capabilities are more difficult to come through.
things change. even when stagnation feels like forever. two major astrological indications of this are:
- new moons
- planets and luminaries changing signs
this early november, both are happening:
- a new moon in scorpio (nov 1)
- mercury moving to a fire sign (nov 2)
- mars (finally) moving to a fire sign (nov 3)
with new moons, we can expect to be presented with metaphorical “seeds planted” in the form of new ideas, fresh connections, and offers or opportunities. even if these metaphorical seeds aren’t exactly what we’re looking for (although sometimes they are), they can still be useful prompts to understand ourselves and our desires, as well as others’ needs and desires.
as the new moon is occurring in scorpio, we can hone in on more specifics of the wisdom available to us by examining where the ruler of scorpio (mars) is, and if there are any other planets currently in scorpio (mercury is).
both mercury and mars will be changing signs soon: mercury from scorpio to sagittarius, and mars from cancer to leo, both from water to fire signs.
now mercury in sagittarius loses some of its pure analytical nature. adding more intensity to high-pressure, high-stakes communications won’t likely be as helpful as a lighter touch would be. typos, portmantaux, and invented words abound, along with onomatopoeia, even general gibberish. it wouldn’t be surprising for communications in general to take a few iterations to get the point across. mail, transport/delivery, technical, and technology processes and systems will very likely encounter similar issues for the rest of the year until mercury enters capricorn in january (the 8th). particularly charged days look to be ~nov 25 (mercury enters retrograde) and ~dec 5 (cazimi). ~dec 15 seems to be around the time that any relative circus-show may start to wind down (mercury will station direct).
as for mars entering leo, the main thing I’m seeing is that is is finally leaving cancer for a bit. it will be back, but cancer is a difficult place for mars to express itself most purely. that’s a whole nother post on its own. suffice it to say that mars in leo is likely to come as a relief for a those of us who are in a mars-activated year or cancer-activated year (although there are exceptions of course). in general, i’d expect us to be able to direct our energy and passions more in line with our hearts, and meet our challenges more directly.
it’s almost like mercury and mars are switching positions. instead of the mars archetype having to express itself more creatively, now the mercury archetype has to. it might be best to view this new arrangement as an opportunity to take a break from working on perfecting diplomatic and strategic communicating. good work so far! humanity has natural variations, as do individuals. perhaps it could be a good time to get back to focusing on a purity of heart and intent, where actions speak louder than words.